Saturday, September 16, 2006


I don't like to do it, but I do it. You know -- covet stuff. It doesn't help that my favorite triathlete, Mary (at made me aware of the website known as Mighty Goods. She's right -- you go there and see if you don't start drooling over 90% of the products they advertise. I've been reading the archives and I'm only up to November 2005. I haven't seen any perfume posts in that blog...which leads me to this:

Dawn Spencer Hurwitz

If you like perfumes please do set aside four or five hours one day and peruse her website. I love reading about her perfumes and oils even more than I like to read cookbooks. Her Perfection Connoisseur perfumes are amazing. You can order samples of everything. I have owned Cafe Noir and Perfume de luxe. They were my favorites until I bought a sample of Piment et Chocolat and I have been thinking about ordering some of that heavenly perfume for a Christmas present pour moi. (Are you listening, Santa Bickerson?) Pepper, chili, pimento and chocolate -- all wrapped up in an amazing perfume.

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