Tuesday, October 21, 2008

He's such an over-achiever

Hank's BFF got to hang out here this morning since he, the BFF, isn't enamored with his mother's girl's volleyball coaching duties. So he was here and before I broke my sworn oath to never let children play the Wii in the morning before school, I insisted that Hank complete a portion of his super challenge spelling homework. He was required to write the word, write the definition, and write it in a sentence. We agreed to two words one of which was sukiyaki. He looked up the definition, read this aloud, and then wrote the following:

Word: "sukiyaki"

Definition: "mixed vegetables"

Sentence: "Sukiyaki sounds yaki."


  1. That is so funny.

    CT wrote: I have shenanigans when I see Sukiyaki.

    To each his own.

  2. He's gonna get some extra, extra credit points for "shenanigans!"
