Sunday, July 28, 2013


I was "Parent On Duty" tonight at Hope's show in New Hope. My duties were to see that the small actors (Oompahs, mostly) kept the backstage decibel level to a low roar. I was shushing kids and apologizing about the shushing because I had no idea what decibel level of backstage chatter might interfere with the audience's enjoyment of the show. Next time I will appreciate a backstage dB meter and some clear guidelines...

It didn't matter because the audience was FROZEN. SOLID. 57ºF in Minnesota in July? Might as well be performing outside in Antarctica. It was freezing. The lead actor got sick from heat exhaustion one week ago on opening night when it was 95º at 10pm. Minnesota weather can be goofy.

Back to the adorable show...

I was impressed by the organization backstage and all the actors and stage support doing what they were supposed to do when they were supposed to do it. Wee little Oompa Loompas listening carefully for every cue and ready to drag scenery to and away from the correct spot.

The excessive-yet-critical make-up application that begins 90 minutes pre-show.

The improvement in diction and articulation with each performance.

The knowing where props were and putting those props back in the correct spot so the next show would go as well or better.

Overall happiness and fun.

What a hoot this has been.

(One more weekend to go.)

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