Sunday, October 21, 2007

Talented and Gifted

Hank mowed part of the back yard yesterday with Gary's supervision and, in general, he has been taking on more responsibilities at home and school. All in all he's turning out to be a pretty nice kid. He likes the increasing responsibility and the independence that goes with it.

This morning when we found out that the parents of 2nd graders were involved in a Sunday School project of which we had no prior knowledge (which is what happens when you don't go to church for months) we agreed that Hank wouldn't have to go to the class this morning since there were prerequisite activities involved. We decided he could sit in the sanctuary and listen to the sermon like the rest of us.

Turns out he wasn't thrilled with that idea. He tried to persuade us that he was responsible enough to sit in the fellowship area surrounded by doughnuts and lemonade and wait for us there. His little argument was cute and fervent but not persuasive enough. He sat with us and, as much as a 7 year-old can enjoy sitting and listening to the sermon, he did and was fine. He even filled out the fill-in-the-blank study guide that comes with the sermon. But he still tried to get the last word regarding his disappointment in not being allowed to hang out by the doughnuts. He filled out the stick-on name badge not with his name but with these words:


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